
Notes according to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) / § 55 Abs. 2 Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV)

These pages are provided to you by:

Osborne Clarke GbR

Innere Kanalstraße 15
50823 Cologne

Telefon: +49 221 5108 4000
Telefax: +49 221 5108 4005

Internet: Osborne Clarke

Cologne Office:

Osborne Clarke
Innere Kanalstraße 15
D-50823 Cologne
Phone: +49 (0) 221 5108 4000
Fax: +49 (0) 221 5108 4005
Internet: OC Cologne

Munich Office:

Osborne Clarke
Nymphenburger Straße 1
D-80335 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89 5434 8000
Fax: +49 (0) 89 5434 8005
Internet: OC Munich

Hamburg Office:

Osborne Clarke
Reeperbahn 1 (Tanzende Türme)
D-20359 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0) 40 55436 4000
Telefax: +49 (0) 40 55436 4005
Internet: OC Hamburg

Managing Partner Germany: Carsten Schneider – Büro Köln

Responsible for content according to § 55 paragraph 2 Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV):

For the blog and Twitter account @spielerecht: Konstantin Ewald – Cologne Office
For the Twitter account @Felix_CGN: Felix Hilgert – Cologne Office
Für other social media profiles (especially XING, LinkedIn): The respective owner of the profile.

Sales tax identification number for Germany: DE 138 1873 53

The lawyers working at the German offices are – unless otherwise specified – members of the following bar associations, which act as supervisory authorities:

Lawyers in the Cologne office:
Bar Association for the Higher Regional Court of Cologne
Riehler Straße 30
50668 Cologne
Phone: 0221/97 30 10-0
Fax: 0221/97 30 10-50
Lawyers in the Munich office:
Bar Association for the Higher Regional Court of Munich
Tal 33
80331 Munich
Phone: 089/53 29 44-0
Fax: 089/53 29 44-28
Lawyers in the Hamburg office:
Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg
Bleichenbrücke 9
20354 Hamburg
Phone: 040 – 35 74 41 – 0
Fax: 040 – 35 74 41 – 41

Job Title / professional rules for lawyers

The job title „lawyer“ or „attorney“ was awarded to the lawyers practicing in the German offices under German federal law standards after passing the second legal state examination and a special licensing procedure at first by the competent Ministry of Justice by the President of the competent for their place Oberlandesgericht or from 08.09.1998 Amended law by the respectivement local bar Association.

They are subject to the following professional legal regulations in their current versions:

  • BRAO – Federal Lawyers‘ Act from 01.08.1959 (BGBl. I 1959, 565)
  • RVG – Law for the Remuneration of lawyers from 26.07.1957 (BGBl. I 1957, 861, 907)
  • BORA – Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the version from 1.5.2002
  • FAO – Specialist Lawyer Regulations
  • CCBE – Professional Rules for Lawyers in the European Union
  • EuRAG – Law on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (BGBl. I 182)

These rules can also be seen on the website of the Federal Bar Association.


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